What are the constituents of a register of shareholders?

KPI Marketing

Last Update 3 years ago

The legal person must include the following data and information in respect of each of its partners or shareholders: The date on which the shareholder or partner acquired that status in the legal person Number of shares held by each, associated voting rights, and categories .Details of full name, address, nationality, date of birth, and place of birth as per the identity card or the passport as well as name and address of employer along with a true copy of the identity card or passport, in case of natural shareholders or partners

If the shareholders or partners are corporate, the details to be submitted are the same as in the Register of Beneficial Owners. If any partner/s or shareholder/s acts as a Trustor or Nominee Board Member, the legal person must include this data. Data of persons represented by any Trustee or Nominee Board Member must also be included in this Register

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